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  • Writer's pictureSt Saviour's Sunbury

Weekly Prayer Points (29th Mar - 4th Apr)

Sunday 29th March

For our church family at St Saviours as they fellowship alone or with their family. That they don't feel apart, but find and enjoy different ways to worship and connect with our father God. To be reassured he is in control. Monday 30th March The Coronavirus Pandemic. The fear and its effect mentally, physically and spiritually as it spreads unseen. That it can be controlled and managed swiftly. That people will learn to be patient and adapt to their new circumstances. Tuesday 31st March For the NHS coping with the extra work in difficult, unique circumstances. For all the nurses, doctors, ambulance crews and hospital staff wherever they are working. For wisdom, strength and protection as they go about their daily work. Wednesday 1st April For the OASIS family at church, many of whom live alone and are missing regular contact. That they are not bored, but finding new ways to keep in contact with their friends, family and church. That they keep healthy and active as much as possible. Especially those with underlying health conditions, that they continue to get their regular medicines. Thursday 2nd April For our Government and local Councils as they react to the virus. For all those in critical leadership positions. That they make the right decisions managing the country and the localities where we live. Especially at short notice. For those continuing to keep vital services going such as looking after homeless people, maintaining utilities and refuse collections. Friday 3rd April For all the supermarket staff, delivery drivers, farmers and suppliers working as normally as possible to keep us fed all the time. That they can go about their work and be protected. That customers will respect them and their places of work. Saturday 4th April For the Police and Military involved in the crisis. For strength and wisdom in their various roles, especially the soldiers being brought in to support the Police, NHS and local authorities. For protection from tiredness and the virus. For their families who support them and maybe cannot see them at this time.

If you would like prayer or to get in touch with the prayer team, please email:


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