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The Holy Spirit, Christmas, Good Friday and Easter

St Saviour's Sunbury

Why is it that (with some exceptions) we make more of Christmas, Good Friday and Easter than we do of Pentecost, the coming of the Spirit? Are we more conscious of God with us - the incarnation of Jesus, than God in us - the indwelling Spirit?

A national newspaper once reviewed a book on the subject of the Holy Spirit in which the reviewer remarked: "There are few doctrines more puzzling to the average person than the Holy Spirit." Yet in early Christianity the Holy Spirit was not a puzzle but a power - the heartbeat of the faith. The question all Christian churches must face as we move away from the celebration of Pentecost is, are we presenting the Holy Spirit as a doctrinal proposition rather than a dynamic personality? If so, our faith can become lacklustre and feel repetitive. It could lack the power which Jesus promised his disciples.

The balance of course is that we are careful not to lose sight of the value and the significance of Jesus incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection, but the truth remains that had not the Holy Spirit moved into the lives of the believers with the empowerment they needed to make known the good news, the story of the Christian Church would now be a very different one. Despite the news of the resurrection, the disciples remained behind locked doors for fear of the Jews. No amount of good information could produce transformation, something else was needed. What was it? The Holy Spirit!

(This post was inspired by the Every Day with Jesus bible reading notes published by CWR, written by Selwyn Hughes and edited by Mick Brooks. If you are looking to go deep into God’s Word then you may want to consider taking out a subscription. Click here for more information.)

By Arnold Pollitt


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