We have decided to read the Bible in a year together as a church family, starting today Monday October 8th 2018!
It's a great opportunity for us to participate in unpacking scripture and hearing from God together and then sharing that with one another during church services like The6, life groups and wider church life. So whether you have read through the Bible before or are completely new to it, join us as we read through scriptures and unpack God's word together.
There are several ways to read the Bible in a year but we've decided to use the "Read Scripture" App by The Bible Project which explores God's Word by going through the scriptures, meditating on a Psalm and providing a visual video narrative along the way.
Three ways to participate
1. Download the App for your phone or tablet from the relevant App Store:
2. or subscribe to emails from The Bible Project:
Visit The Bible Project and subscribe for daily emails starting from 8th October 2018
3. or if you don't have access to email or an App, you can contact the church office (or ask your life group leader) for printed versions
Get started today
We are so excited about this and look forward to this next year as a church, may God's word wash over us all and bring radical transformation in our lives, as individuals and as a church body.
As always, we'd love to hear what God is doing in your lives so if you have something amazing to share please do email us at: praise@stsaviourssunbury.org.uk
We leave you with this introduction video below.